NICE & RapidSOS: Empowering 911 Centers with Insight to Improve Emergency Response

RapidSOS’s emergency response data platform connects life-saving data from 400 million devices, apps, and profiles, to more than 5,200 emergency communications centers. Through its integration with RapidSOS, NICE is providing a single system of record for RapidSOS data, which can be captured along with incident information from other core systems (Computer Aided Dispatch, 911 telephony, radio, quality assurance, recording). Capturing and analyzing all of this data in one place reveals the truth as it happened, empowering 911 center managers with the insight they need to improve emergency response.

I invite you to view the video below to learn more.

Interested in learning more?

Download the NICE – RapidSOS eBook: Transforming 9-1-1 Incident Response & Reconstruction - Why You Need It and How to Achieve It