Digital Evidence Software for Corrections

Get to the Truth. Faster

Streamline Complex Investigations with Digital Evidence Management

The Prison Service is laser-focused on safety and security. Still, given the large number of facilities and enormous prison population, incidents are bound to happen. But, with digital evidence residing in so many different systems and places, investigators waste immense amounts of time searching for, collecting, analyzing and sharing it. Transcribing and translating it. And simply trying to make it playable. So much time is spent on these manual tasks, that little time is left for the job they signed up to do. 

NICE’s digital evidence software leverages integration, analytics, and built-in workflows to help your investigators get to the truth faster. NICE’s digital transformation platform leverages integration, analytics, and built-in workflows to help your investigators get to the truth faster. They get the confidence of never overlooking evidence. And a single view of the truth that’s clear, cohesive and indisputable.
NICE Capabilities

Automated Case Building

Automatically finds and deposits digital evidence into case folders.

Consistent Digital Evidence Collection

Collects evidence from security cameras and other disparate systems into a central repository, and automatically converts CCTV and other video into playable format.

Unified Visibility Across All Locations & Case Management Systems

Manage and search across all digital evidence in one place. Visualize evidence on timelines and maps.

Automated Video & Audio Redaction

Redact sensitive information from video and audio evidence without having to send evidence out to 3rd party or navigating a different system.

Automated Transcription

Automatically transcribes into searchable text the audio of video visits, phone calls and 911 calls.

Securely Share Any Amount of Evidence

Secure sharing with automated chain of custody tracking for admissibility of evidence in court, all with low burden on your network.
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Powered by Evidencentral
NICE’s Evidencentral platform for Public Safety & Justice agencies revolutionizes the way data is managed, from the time an incident happens, until cases are successfully closed and prosecuted.
See how NICE AI helps you be better at what you do best.
“You can’t have an organization of our size, with numerous locations and multiple case management systems, all vying for the same set of data, and expect to manage investigations and digital evidence efficiently. The volume of video has become a tipping point for needing a better way. But if you’re unable to coherently organize, retrieve and easily share these videos, and analyze them in context with all other digital evidence, that’s not very helpful. With NICE Investigate, our investigators can manage investigations and digital evidence cohesively, through one login, instead of having to manually navigate their way through many disjointed systems.”
Enterprise Information Services
One of the Largest Departments of Corrections in US
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NICE Evidencentral Investigate - Digital Evidence Management for Corrections

NICE Investigate eliminates manual, inconsistent processes that slow correctional and law enforcement agencies down. NICE’s digital transformation platform leverages integration, analytics, and built-in workflows to help your investigators get to the truth faster. They get the confidence of never overlooking evidence. And a single view of the truth that’s clear, cohesive, and indisputable.


5 Ways Corrections Departments are Streamlining Complex Investigations with Digital Evidence Management | NICE Public Safety & Justice

Download the infographic to learn about how a cloud-based Digital Evidence Management System (DEMS) can help your correctional facility streamline evidence management and greatly improve complex investigations.

White Papers

eBook: 12 Ways Digital Evidence Management is Transforming Policing & Justice

Digital transformation is pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in policing and criminal justice – from data analytics and mobile workforce optimization to online citizen engagement and investigations. When it comes to delivering on the promise of digital transformation, one technology police departments and criminal justice agencies are embracing in growing numbers is Digital Evidence Management. In this eBook we explore 12 ways that Digital Evidence Management is transforming policing and prosecution across the criminal justice spectrum, using real-life examples.

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