Digital Transformation of Public Safety & Justice

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Need to Comply with 911 Accreditation Standards? Here Are 3 Ways NICE Can Help.

Need to Comply with 911 Accreditation Standards? Here Are 3 Ways NICE Can Help.

Across every industry, accreditation programs promote superior products and services, and are generally recognized as a pinnacle of professional excellence. For example, organizations such as the CALEA (the Commission on Accredited Law Enforcement Association) and the International Association of Emergency Medical Dispatch (IAED) both offer accreditation for emergency communication centers.

PSAPs’ Finest Honor Roll: Helena Rothenberger, Denver 9-1-1

It has been said that innovation is the art of being able to create something new, or re-arrange something old, in a new way. With so much changing in 9-1-1 there is a high demand for people who can think outside of the box. One such person is Denver 9-1-1’s Helena Rothenberger, who was named last year’s PSAPs’ Finest Innovator of the Year.