PSAPs’ Finest Honor Roll: Robert Kubisch. Winnipeg Police Service

PSAPs’ Finest Honor Roll: Robert Kubisch, Winnipeg Police Service

When you dial 9-1-1 it’s the voice of a telecommunicator on the other side of the line that you’ll hear. But making and taking that call wouldn’t be possible without the technical support behind the scenes. And that’s precisely why NICE recognizes a PSAPs’ Finest Technician of the Year. In 2023 that honor went to Robert Kubisch, PSAP Information System Specialist with the Winnipeg Police Service (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada).

Robert Kubisch provides essential support to the Winnipeg Police Service PSAP. His innovative ideas, welcoming attitude, patience, and strong work ethic stand out in the industry. Robert participates in regular meetings with PSAP partners, the ILEC, as well as strategic discussions and decisions. In addition, Robert is an integral part of the Next Generation 9-1-1 team, providing advice and recommendations as the centre navigates a myriad of issues regarding NG9-1-1.

Robert, who has earned his ENP, has a vast knowledge of the technical aspects of the PSAP and all related equipment. While he is focused of the ‘business side’ of emergency communications, it’s not uncommon for Robert to put the members of the communications centre first. Robert always vocalizes compassion for his colleagues, recognizing the difficult job they have, and goes out of his way to ensure the technology supports them in their work.

Robert is a big-picture thinker. He will often make suggestions to resolve issues, and then volunteer to take on these “side” projects, involving anything and everything – from lighting solutions to desk lifts.

Robert is always observant and open to new ideas. Upon visiting and observing another dispatch centre, he saw how their coaches were making use of screen monitoring software. He then implemented a similar solution for Winnipeg that has proven invaluable for training and coaching. Robert is always reachable at a moment’s notice, to troubleshoot any issues, large or small.

Recently I had an opportunity to talk to Robert about what he loves most about his work and what being recognized as a recipient of the PSAPs’ Finest Technician of the Year award has meant to him:

What attracted you to a career in public safety communications?
Robert: I didn’t intentionally plan for a career in public safety, it came to me by chance as I was advancing in my information technology career. A career in IT is very portable. You can be a computer technician in just about any field as technology is everywhere. When a technical job in public safety came up, I jumped at the opportunity, thinking that the fast-paced, high-tech environment would be an exciting challenge for me.

What is your most memorable career experience?
Robert: I was fortunate enough to be part of our PSAP’s move to a brand new police headquarters. New computers, new servers, new desks, new lighting, an all-new call handling system, a new audio logger – it was an IT tech’s dream come true to deploy and configure all of this new equipment. I was a bit nervous on the “go live” day, but all the systems came online without any technical issues or outages. That was a memorable time for me. It’s not often you get an opportunity to participate in a move like that.

What do you most love about what you do?
Robert: I enjoy keeping up with the new technology and working with the great people in the communications centre. Call takers, dispatchers and supervisors are special people and I enjoy interacting with them every day. Ensuring that their computers and specialized equipment are working as designed gives me a real sense of accomplishment and pride. Serving the people in the PSAP is simply the best.

What advice would you have for others thinking about a similar career path?
Robert: If you enjoy working with people and deploying the latest in technology, then a technical career in public safety might be the right career path for you. There are times when keeping things running gets stressful, but there’s a real sense of satisfaction when everything is working as designed. You will always feel great about the role you play in public safety and making a difference in the lives of others who suddenly find themselves in need.

What does it mean to be recognized with a PSAP’s Finest Award?
Robert: It’s a real honor to be a nominee among this year’s highly skilled group of PSAP technicians. To ultimately have been selected as this year’s recipient is truly unbelievable. The response from my colleagues and peers has been overwhelming and I’m so grateful for their support. To know that my daily efforts have been recognized and appreciated is very fulfilling. There have been so many kind words and congratulations. I am truly very grateful for this special moment in my life. With retirement on the horizon, I feel this award will be the highlight of my public safety career.

About the PSAPs’ Finest Awards

Know someone you’d like to nominate for a PSAPs’ Finest award? Nominations for the 2024 PSAPs’ Finest Awards are open now! Winners are recognized in nine categories: Director Line Supervisor, Technician, Trainer, Telecommunicator, Innovator, PSAP of the Year, Above & Beyond and Lifetime Achievement.

The PSAPs’ Finest awards is an annual recognition program for emergency communications (ECC) professionals. Since its inception, NICE’s PSAPs’ Finest Awards have recognized hundreds of dedicated emergency communications professionals. The program is open to all PSAPs, whether or not they are customers of NICE. An independent judging panel reviews and rates each nomination based on the individual’s or team’s contributions to their agencies and communities.

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